Post Graduate Certification Program In Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing has revolutionized the way Companies, Governments & even Startups run, store, access data and work remotely. The Pandemic has further induced the Companies towards Digital Transformation. As of 2020, the Cloud Computing market is valued at 275 billion USD and there is a growing demand for Cloud Computing and certified Cloud computing professionals each year.
4.5 Rating | 1000+ Enrolments | Classroom , Online & E- Learning
Post Graduate Certification Program In Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing has revolutionized the way Companies, Governments & even Startups run, store, access data and work remotely. We, at Digital Nest are elated to bring forth Post Graduate Program in Cloud Computing with a 360* purview on Linux, AWS, DevOps, Microsoft Azure & Google Cloud. Become an Expert in Cloud Computing with our Comprehensive program taught by Industry experts and give a boost to your Career.
4.5 Rating | 1000+ Enrolments
Classroom , Online & E- Learning
Enquire : 808-899-8664
11 Months
Course Enrollments
Placement Assistance
Hours Of Content
0% EMI
3 Partner Banks
Key Highlights Of Course
320+ Learning Hours

5 Projects
15+ Assignments
100% Placements Assistance

Guest Lectures from subject Matter Experts
Learn From Experts The Most Advanced Post Graduate Program In
Cloud Computing
Overview | Curriculum | Faculty | Tools | Certification | Admission Process | Reviews | FAQs
Cloud Computing Curriculum
Curriculum prepared alumnus of IIT Chennai and reviewed by top notch Cloud Computing experts
1. Introduction to Cloud Computing
- Introduction cloud computing world History
- Cloud business models
- Public, Private and Hybrid cloud models
- Advantages of cloud computing
2. Linux
- Introduction to BASH
- Basic Commands (is,cd,cat,touch,mkdir)
- Text Editor(vi)
- Package Management(yum)
- Installing and Removing Software
- Configuring a Apache Web server
- Creating File System and mounting
- Volume Management
3. AWS
AWS Overview
- AWS Regions and Availability zones
- Tools to access services
- Overview of the console
AWS EC2(Elastic Compute Cloud)
- Introduction to EC2
- Pricing models On-demand vs Reserved vs Spot instances.
- Using Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) to create instances.
- Public vs Private Images.
- Sharing Images to other accounts.
- Logging into instances using key pairs.
- Converting PEM files to ppk.
- Volumes and types.
- Using snapshots for backup.
- Increasing the size of the volumes.
- Backup and restore process of the EC2 instances.
- Adding network interfaces.
- Assigning static IPs using Elastic IPs.
- Control access to instances using Security Groups
Elastic Load Balancer
- Introduction to Elastic Load Balancing.
- Creating ELB from Console.
- Attaching instances to ELB.
- Configuring Ports, Protocols and health checks.
- Enabling sticky session.
- Connection draining.
- Enabling SSL Certificates for https transactions.
Cloud Watch
- Introduction to CloudWatch Monitoring Service.
- Setting thresholds.
- Configuring Actions.
- Monitoring CPU, Memory and network utilization of different resources.
- Creating Notifications.
- Integrating with Auto-scaling.
Simple Notification Services
- Introduction to notifications.
- Creating Topics.
- Subscribing to Topic.
- Publishing to SNS Topic.
- Testing Email and SMS Functionality.
Relational Database Service
- Introduction to Managed Database.
- Creating RDS instances using AWS console.
- Choosing an RDS engine and version.
- Public vs Private database instances.
- Multi-AZ setup.
- Backup using snapshots and point in restore.
- Parameter Group.
- Options Group.
- Control access to instances using Security Groups.
- Overview.
- Creating launch configuration.
- Creating auto-scaling group.
- Auto-scaling policies.
AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service)
- Introduction to Simple Storage Server (S3).
- Storage options (default vs reduced redundancy vs Glacier).
- Creating buckets using Console.
- Uploading and downloading data tS3.
- Building static websites using S3.
- Enable version control on S3.
- Creating buckets using Console.
- S3 access policies.
Storage (Glacier)
- Introduction to Glacier. (S3).
- Moving data from S3 to Glacier.
- Setting archiving policies on S3.
Cloud Front (Content Delivery Network)
- Introduction to Content Delivery Networks.
- Overview of Amazon CDN
- Origins and Edge locations
- Configure S3 backend for CloudFront.
- Configure ELB backend from CloudFront.
Elastic BeanStlak
- Introduction to Elastic BeanStlak.
- Creating Environment.
- Deploying a Sample APP.
Identity Access Management (IAM)
- Introduction to IAM.
- Access controls using IAM.
- Creating users, groups and roles.
- Assigning policies.
- Inline vs Managed policies.
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
- Introduction.
- Choosing a network design and CIDR.
- Design a simple network.
- Creating Subnets and setup routing as per the design.
- Using IGW tenable internet access.
- Access controls using Network ACLs.
- Network ACLs vs Security Groups.
- Creating Private connections data center to AWS.
- Enabling VPC peering between VPCs.
Cloud Formation
- Introduction.
- Understanding the template format.
- CloudFormation designer.
- Create a simple CloudFormation template.
- Managing dependencies.
- Updating the existing stacks.
- Intrinsic functions.
- Pseudo parameters.
- Updating CloudFormation stacks.
- Understanding event.
- Cloudformer.
Using CLI
- Introduction AWSCli.
- Installing CLI tools using rpm or pip.
- Configuring credentials.
- AWS CLI syntax.
- Creating and managing resource using CLI.
- Examples.
Route 53(DNS Service)
- Creating Hosted Zones.
- Hosting a Website.
- Understanding Routing Policies.
- Weighted, Simple and Failover Policies.
Best Practices
- Cost Optimization.
- Cloud migration Strategy.
- Using 3rd party tools for health and billing monitoring.
4. Devops
- What is DevOps?
- What is SDLC?
- Why DevOps?
- DevOps principles.
- Waterfall vs Agile vs DevOps
- Infrastructure As A Code
- DevOps Tools
- Pre-Requisites for DevOps
- Configuration Management
- Continuous Integration and Deployment
Apache Tomcat
- Introduction to Webservers
- Installing and Configuring Apache
- Application Management
- App Deployment Methods
- Introduction to version control systems
- Centralized vs Distributed
- GIT advantages
- Installing GIT
- Creating repository
- Adding code and creating commits
- Creating GitHub account
- Push code to GitHub
- Cloning repo from GitHub
- Forking GitHub repo and working on it.
Maven(Build Management)
- Build Management
- Advantages of Build tool
- Build tools
- Architecture of Maven
- Maven build life-cycle
- Maven directory structure
- Maven repositories
- xml
- Multi module project
Configure Management Systems
- Introduction
- What is Idempotency
- Abstract layers
- Ansible vs Chef vs Puppet
- Push or Pull mode
- Installing Ansible using RPM or Python PIP
- Inventory
- Ansible Modules
- Running ansible ad-hoc commands
- Creating ansible playbooks
- Variables
- Loops
- Conditional execution
- Using ansible facts for customization
- Creating ansible roles
- What is Ansible Galaxy
- How to download ansible roles from Ansible galaxy
- Overview
- Installation
- Setting up authentication
- Manage plugins from console
- Installing GitHub plugin from repository
- Adding Ant/Maven support
- Configuring email notifications
- Continuous deployments using Jenkins
- Explore Jenkins system configuration
- Analyzing system logs
- What is Docker
- Containers Vs Virtual Machines
- Docker platform overview and Terminology
- Docker engine
- Images
- Containers
- Registry
- Repositories
- Docker hub
- Docker orchestration tools
- What is kubernetes
- Installation of kubernetes
- Features of kubernetes
- Architecture of kubernetes
- Kubernetes Master
- Kubernetes Nodes
- Kubernetes Components
- Kube-api server
- etcd(cluster store)
- kube-scheduler
- kube-proxy
- kubelet
- pods
- multicontainer pod
- pod limitations
- replica sets
- Deployments
- Introduction
- Nagios Architecture
- Installing and Configuring Nagios
- How to Add Services to Nagios
- Monitoring with Nagios
- Using the Default Plugins
- How to configure Plugins on Remote Nodes
5. Microsoft Azure
- Azure Introduction
- Creating Azure Free Account
- Understanding Azure Subscriptions and Roles
- Understanding Azure Portals
- ASM (Azure Service Manager) (Deprecated)
- ARM (Azure Resource Manager)
Building Blocks (IAAS)
- Introduction to Virtual Machines
- Compute tiers
- pricing
- Different ways to deploy virtual machines
- Configuring and managing azure virtual machines
- Advanced concepts on Azure virtual machines
- Different types VM images
- Custom images
- VM disks
- Availability sets
- Availability Zones
- Azure Scale sets
- Assigning static Ips
- Introduction to Azure Virtual Networks
- Creating and Managing Azure virtual networks
- Understanding Network ACLs and Network Security groups
- Understanding Azure DIP, VIP and PIP
- Azure VNET to VNET
- Azure Point to Site
- Azure Site to Site
- Azure ExpressRoute
- Introduction Azure Storage
- Understanding Different Azure Storage replication techniques
- LRS (Locally Redundant Storage)
- ZRS (Zone Redundant Storage)
- GRS (Geo Redundant Storage)
- RA-GRS (Read Only – Geo Redundant Storage)
- Different types of Azure Storage options
- Azure File Storage
- Azure Blob Storage
- Azure Queue Storage
- Azure Table Storage
- Advanced Concepts on Azure Storage
- Storage Access Keys
- Storage Access Signatures
- Use cases for Azure File, Table, Queue and Blob storage
- Different types of Blobs
- Understanding Azure Managed Storage
Identity and Access management(Azure Active Directory)
- Active Directory Fundaments
- Understanding Azure Active Directory
- OAuth
- Multifactor Authentication
- Understanding Differences Between Traditional AD and Azure AD
- Understanding Azure AD integration
- Azure AD data Sync
- Role based Access Control
Azure WebApps
- Introduction to Azure Web Apps
- Understanding Web App Tiers and Pricing
- Understanding App Service Plans
- Understanding Different Ways to deploy Web Apps
- Deployment pipeline
- Scaling Web Apps
- Supported Languages
- Security and Monitoring
- Understanding Web jobs
- Azure Logic Apps
- Azure API Apps
Azure SQL Database
- Introduction Azure SQL Database as a service
- Comparing Azure SQL and Traditional SQL
- Benefits of Azure SQL database
- Advanced capabilities
- Backup options
- Scaling Azure SQL Database
- Security
- Pricing
Azure Service Bus
- Introduction to Azure Service Bus
- Service Bus Queues
- Service Bus Topics
- Service Hub Relays
- Event Hubs
Azure Traffic Manager
- Introduction Azure Traffic Manager
- Understanding Different traffic routing methods
- Priority method (Failover method)
- Weighted method (Round-robin method)
- Performance method (Performance method)
Azure CDN
- Introduction Azure CDN
- Understanding Azure CDN
- Setting up Azure CDN
Other Azure Services
- Azure SAAS
- Azure Backup
- Azure Load balancer
- Azure Site Recovery
- Azure PowerShell
- Azure CLI
- Azure Cloud Services
- Azure Automation
- Azure Keyvault
6. Google Cloud
Designing and Planning a Cloud Infrastructure
Designing a solution infrastructure
- Business use cases and product strategy
- Cost optimization
- Supporting the application design
- Integration with external systems
- Movement of data
- Design decision trade-offs
- Build, buy, or modify
- Success measurements (e.g., key performance indicators [KPI], return on investment[ROI], metrics)
- Compliance and observability
- High availability and failover design
- Elasticity of cloud resources
- Scalability to meet growth requirements
- Performance and latency
Designing network, storage, and compute resources
- Integration with on-premises/multi-cloud environments
- Cloud-native networking (VPC, peering, firewalls, container networking)
- Choosing data processing technologies
- Choosing appropriate storage types (e.g., object, file, RDBMS, NoSQL, NewSQL)
- Choosing compute resources (e.g., preemptible, custom machine type, specialized workload)
- Mapping compute needs to platform products
Creating a migration plan
- Integrating solution with existing systems
- Migrating systems and data to support the solution
- Licensing mapping
- Network planning
- Testing and proof of concept
- Dependency management planning
Envisioning future solution improvements
- Cloud and technology improvements
- Business needs evolution
- Evangelism and advocacy
Managing and provisioning a solution Infrastructure
Configuring network topologies
- Extending to on-premises (hybrid networking)
- Extending to a multi-cloud environment that may include GCP to GCP communication
- Security and data protection
Configuring individual storage systems
- Data storage allocation
- Data processing/compute provisioning
- Security and access management
- Network configuration for data transfer and latency
- Data retention and data life cycle management
- Data growth management
Configuring compute systems
- Compute system provisioning
- Compute volatility configuration (preemptible vs. standard)
- Network configuration for compute nodes
- Infrastructure provisioning technology configuration (e.g. Chef/Puppet/Ansible/Terraform/Deployment Manager)
- Container orchestration with Kubernetes
Analyzing and Optimizing Technical and Business Processes
Analyzing and defining technical processes
- Software development life cycle plan (SDLC)
- Continuous integration / continuous deployment
- Troubleshooting / post mortem analysis culture
- Testing and validation
- Service catalog and provisioning
- Business continuity and disaster recovery
Analyzing and Defining Business Processes
- Stakeholder management (e.g. influencing and facilitation)
- Change management
- Team assessment / skills readiness
- Decision-making process
- Customer success management
- Cost optimization / resource optimization (capex / opex)
Developing procedures to ensure resilience of solution in production
Managing implementation
Advising development/operation team(s) to ensure successful deployment of the solution
- Application development
- API best practices
- Testing frameworks (load/unit/integration)
- Data and system migration tooling
Interacting with Google Cloud using GCP SDK (gcloud, gsutil, and bq)
- Local installation
- Google Cloud Shell
Ensuring solution and operations reliability
- Monitoring/logging/profiling/alerting solution
- Deployment and release management
- Assisting with the support of solutions in operation
- Evaluating quality control measures
Digital Nest Advantage
Have a Great Journey of Learning at Digital Nest
Our Courses are taught by Real time Industry Experts with latest teaching tools and techniques ,Our LMS and dedicated Support manager are Key Important aspects that make learning easy and simple.
Interactive Learning
All the Courses taught by us are Interactive , with Limited strength in a batch we make sure that you get the best experience
Dedicated Placement Officer & Job Portal
We conduct Mock Interviews and Screen CV’s to make you industry ready. We have a unique job portal disclosing all the job listings posted by the recruiter
Network with Alumni
Digital Nest has over 6000+ alumnus working with various Organizations. We have a Networking app to connect with the alumni as well
Dedicated Program Manager
We have a dedicated Program Manager who will Constantly take feedback, for the Students to have a better learning experience
World Class Learning Management System
Digital Nest has built a Software for students to learn using LMS. Students can download material and freely access all the live and Recorded sessions with no hassle
Case Studies, Material , Assignments & Assessments
All our courses are not just Theoretical, We teach using Practical methods such as Simulation Exercises, Projects, Assessments etc
Tools You Will Master
Advanced Cloud Computing tools used by Cloud Computing Experts in real time
Get 30%+ Salary Hike + Career Transition
Post Graduate Programme In Cloud Computing will help in career transitions with better hike
Admission Process
Eligibility 1
Bachelor’s degree (10+2+3/4) or equivalent qualification in any discipline from a recognized University with a minimum 55% score.
Eligibility 2
Students who have appeared for their final year degree examination can also apply, however, their admission will be provisional and will be confirmed only after producing the results.
Step 1: Application submission
Check your eligibility, pay the fees for the Digital Nest Admissions Test, and fill in the application form in detail and take the Admissions Test.
Step 2: Application review
All applications are thoroughly reviewed by the admissions committee. Shortlisted students will be called for a personal interview during which they can present their portfolios.
Step 3: Personal Interview
Each shortlisted applicant will be personally interviewed by the admissions committee. Qualified applicants will receive a letter confirming the admission to the Post Graduate Programme in DiData Science
Application Fee : INR 1,000 /-
Admission Fee : INR 20,000/-
Tuition Fee : INR 1,00,000/-
Examination & Certification Fee: INR 30,000/-
Total Fee :
Post Graduate Programme in Digital Marketing: INR 1,50,000 + Taxes
No cost EMI’s available from Rs. 6,999/month
Education Loan : Education Loan In Partnership with Propelled
We have an excellent Accommodation for the students across the globe . Contact the Couse Consultant for more details regarding the stay at hyderabad.
Alumni Testimonials
Rated Avg 4.5* Out Of 5 by 2000+ Learners

Due to the pandemic, finding and enrolling in the best AWS training institute in Ameerpet or Madhapur was difficult. The lockdown made all the more difficult. But I came across Digital Nest who provided E-learning of the AWS Certification course. Although it was online and self-learning, I still felt the classroom experience. the AWS training was extraordinarily informative and extensively taught. There was a precise balance in theory vs. practical implementation. The trainer was patient in explaining every concept down to the basics. I will highly recommend Digital Nest to the aspirant who wants to take AWS training in Hyderabad or online self-learning.
Wanted to take up Cloud Computing Courses and checked multiple platforms like UpGrad, Great Lakes. Was very Expensive. Glad that I found Digital Nest offering similar course at best price. Checked their syllabus & found it on par with other big names and joined. In retrospect, one of the best decisions I took. The trainers are friendly & approachable for any doubts, help. The timings are flexible and you can choose to opt online or offline at anytime, a blessing for Working Professionals like me. The Infrastructure is befitting their brand … Digital Nest.
Attended Digital Nest’s Azure Program. The trainer was well experienced & knowledgable. Good infrastructure.
The program co-ordinators are always there if you want to reach out for any help. Multiple revision classes to help
you get clarity on concepts. Can say Complete value for money. Digital Nest gave me a great learning opportunity to excel in my career.
I am happy to join the Digital Nest institute. I had opted for the AWS course in the Madhapur branch. I live in Kondapur and searched many institutes in Hyderabad but then what impressed me in choosing Digital Nest was their trainers and curriculum. I decided to travel from Kondapur to Hitech city to learn this course, and today I would say I made the right choice in choosing the best AWS training institute in Hyderabad.
Our Students Hail From
Students , Working Professionals & Business Owners From Various Start Ups And MNC’s

Post Graduate Certification Programme In Cloud Computing syllabus is designed by alumnus of IIT Chennai and Subject Matter Experts
PG Certification Program In Cloud Computing
Fee : INR 1,50,000/- + Taxes
Post Graduate Certification Program From

Options to choose either Classroom, Online Or Self paced Learning
320+ Learning Hours
Learning Using World Class Learnig Management System
14 + Case Studies
Dedicated Placement Manager for Interview Process
Access to the Instructor for doubts clarification during and after the course
100% Placement Assistance
Connect and Network with alumni ,working with different organizations
Unique Job Portal to Access Jobs and Internships posted by Hr’s From Various Companies
Cloud computing Details
What is the Post Graduation Program in Cloud Computing?
Post Graduation Program in Cloud Computing is a 11 month course curated for working professionals and freshers to gain deep knowledge and build a career in Cloud Computing
What is the eligibility criteria for this program?
Eligibility 1
Bachelor’s degree (10+2+3/4) or equivalent qualification in any discipline from a recognized University with a minimum 55% score.OR
Eligibility 2
Students who have appeared for their final year degree examination can also apply, however, their admission will be provisional and will be confirmed only after producing the results. -
Will I get any certificate after completion of the program?
You will be granted Post Graduate Program In Digital Marketing Certificate from Jain University, Bangalore.
What is the duration of this program?
Post Graduation Program in Cloud computing is a 11 months course with 10+ hours of training per week. Classes will be held from Monday-Thursday
Will there be placements at the end of the program?
We will be providing placement assurance upon successful completion of the course. We have a job portal specially designed for placements. Candidates will be shown job openings in MNC’s and Startup’s for the roles such as Cloud Architect, Cloud network Engineer, Cloud automation engineer, Cloud Developer, Cloud System Administrator, Cloud Security Manager, Cloud Product Manager, cloud Access security broker, Cloud broker
Will I get any real-time projects from the program?
Yes, you will be getting 3 real-time projects.
Will I be evaluated during the program?
There will be continuous evaluation throughout the course. Evaluation will be done through assignments, quizzes, case studies, projects, etc
Who will be the faculty for this program?
Cloud Computing modules will be taught by Industry leading experts with 8+ years of experience in Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing Career Guidance Support
Will I get any career guidance after the course?
Mentoring and guidance from Industry leading experts & trainers in Cloud computing will be given on how to build a resume. Career counselling will be given to find out the best career paths in Cloud computing. Interview preparation like mock interview sessions will be given to you during the end of the course.
How will my doubts be cleared?
The Cloud Computing trainer will be physically present during the class, where doubts can be cleared during the session. Doubt clearing sessions will also be held every week.
Will I get any back up classes if I miss any session?
We have a unique Learning Management System where every candidate can check the back-up classes if they miss out on any session. You can also check the assignments, materials and links in the app.
Cloud Computing Admission process and Fee related queries
What is the Admission Process for this program?
Step 1: Application submission
Check your eligibility, pay the fees for the Digital Nest Admissions Test, and fill in the application form in detail and take the Admissions Test. The test is designed to assess creativity, aptitude, communication, acumen, general knowledge to gauge the applicant’s vision & interest in Cloud Computing.Step 2: Application review
All applications are thoroughly reviewed by the admissions committee. Shortlisted students will be called for a personal interview during which they can present their portfolios.Step 3: Personal Interview
Each shortlisted applicant will be personally interviewed by the admissions committee. Qualified applicants will receive a letter confirming the admission to the Post Graduate Program in Cloud Computing -
Should I have any minimum percentage to get enrolled in this program?
Applicants should have minimum 55% aggregate from a recognized University.
What is the fee structure for this program?
Application Fee : INR 1,000 /-
Admission Fee : INR 20,000/-
Tuition Fee : INR 1,00,000/-
Examination & Certification Fee: INR 30,000/-
Total Fee :
Post Graduate Programme in Cloud Computing : INR 1,50,000 + Taxes
No cost EMI’s available from Rs. 6,999/monthEducation Loan : Education Loan In Partnership with Propelled
Can I pay through Credit Card EMI?
Yes, our payment gateway partner is Razopray, All the leading banks can avail the credit card EMI option with no hassle
Is there any refund policy for this program?
Yes we do, Please refer the link below for more details on the same
Refund And Cancellation Policy