YouTube Demographics 2019

Apr 25, 2019 | SMM | 0 comments

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YouTube has certainly changed over a period of time in the sense that it’s no more just a video platform for marketers it’s more a marketing channel where marketers use it for advertising their brands and make good branding.

YouTube is being viewed by genders of all age groups starting from 10 to 65 this numbers have drastically increased in the last couple of years.

Now a days, organizations are using YouTube to make videos and promote the content using ads to their target audience which is invariably getting a huge response, if you have a good number of audiences who actually watch content on YouTube then it’s a big boost for your business.

If you want to make YouTube a viable marketing channel for your business then here’s what we got for you. Check out the infographic content on YouTube Demographics which could help you to target your buyer persona.

YouTube Demographics


Digital Marketing Certification

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