Top 10 Reasons why every girl must Learn Digital Marketing Course

Dec 21, 2017 | Digital Marketing | 0 comments

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Women spend 3 hours more on calls every month when compared to men and 4 times longer on instant messaging applications and are more active on social networks. So why not turn this addiction into a fruitful profession!!

Digital marketing is an exciting, fast-moving and creative zone. Businesses are moving towards digital marketing and away from traditional marketing, and as the digital economy continues to grow fast, this will lead to a skills gap that you can fill by developing your skills in the right areas. Let’s find out how Digital Marketing can turn out to be exceptional career choice for you.

1. Creative Sector:

In western economy, 9 out of 10 women are digital marketers by profession and their base is creativity. Girls are proven to be creative and multitaskers, as can be witnessed in this modern era, where she is a homemaker, job-oriented and mother too.

Alexa Hisaka, Head of global content marketing for Linkedin, believes in being creative for the product one is passionate about. In 2015, Alexa was named as top 25 software content marketer to watch. She concludes, “Clients are asking for a change.” Let’s be that change.

2. Simple to do:

Being 100% non-technical course, she can easily complete the program as childs play for her. The only pre-requisite to pursue Digital Marketing is that one needs to be internet savvy.

A few months ago Mumbai based Photographer Anusha Yadav’s project titled ‘Indian Memory Project’ — an ongoing attempt to present Indian history through archived content in the form of photographs and letters was featured on the New Yorker’s Instagram account.

3. Addition of skills:

Digital Marketing Skills are in rigorous demand. Digital marketing skills can help her in growing family business, promote her dream of a business vision without any capital investment.

UK Based India Make Up Artist Himani has a host of DIY beauty advices on Youtube and Instagram. She has converted her interest into a profession by use of online marketing practices. Follow her on

4. Affordability:

Learning Digital Marketing is far more affordable than any other professional course and the good news is that you get to receive return on your investment from this program, as you can start working and earning simultaneously.

5. Entrepreneurship / Freelancing Options:

Digital Mums founders Kathryn Tyler and Nikki Cochrane trains women seeking to return to work as freelancers social media managers. They are filling up the gap of digital skills for business by training or empowering maternal unemployment. Digital Mums has built a training model that develops skills as students learn while they work with real businesses. Internet marketing is an in-demand skill that entrepreneurs have used to launch successful businesses and with a role of a freelancer, you have the benefit of being able to use your skills across a variety of different role and you will learn new skills out of necessity that you may not gain as a permanent employee.

6. Career Options:

According to times of India, digital marketing jobs will grow by 10% year or year as organizations will adapt to digital marketing techniques and shift their focus from traditional to digital marketing strategies.Thus, a girl must learn digital marketing to use the skills for job purpose whenever need may be.

7. In House Business:

A Girl can start up her own business like that of a beauty clinic, boutique or any other feminist store if she learns digital marketing. Digital Marketing has proven to be the best platforms for startups and is the effective economic method to start a business at home with no capital.

8. Social Media Awareness:

Digital Marketing course can assist a girl with importance of social media and create awareness in her how she can use instagram and facebook to leverage her skills. Digital Marketing Training imparts in her, social media optimization and social media marketing training that will enable her to create her own business pages and promote her business to targeted audience.

9. Easy to Measure ROI:

Digital Marketing training will teach one on what metrics can business be rated to benchmark ROI. Google Analytics,the report card of digital marketing campaigns provides the results of digital marketing campaigns at fingertips. This report provides as a standalone guide to measures one’s business’ performance and thrive opportunities and threats of the relevant industry.

10. No Technical knowledge needed:

Digital Marketing course is 100% non technical and requires only internet awareness to learn. Being non technical, it becomes easier to a girl to learn and implement for her need.

Digital Marketing training does not require any software installation too and hence, making it much more easier than any other professional courses. Overall, digital marketing is an industry where everyday is different. For those who are committed and passionate about the industry, it is a career with excellent long-term prospects.

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