Indian Hotel Industry is set to grow by 15% a year. Over the last decade business opportunities in India had intensified and elevated room rates occupancy levels in India. Here’s how a hotelier may further enhance sales and increase revenue using Digital Marketing...
Being unforgettable is important for each enterprise — in the end, folks won’t fund you or obtain from you if they don’t even keep in mind you exist. And In digital marketing realm, it just becomes a tad bit more important. Here are 5 ways in which...
Clicks to Website: Links Recommended image size: 1,200 x 628 pixels Image ratio: 1.9:1 Text: 90 characters Headline: 25 characters Link description: 30 characters Your image may not include more than 20% text. See how much text is on your image. Clicks to Website:...
With a handy new set of columns, Google is bringing the AdWords bid simulator into fuller view. From the keyword tab, advertisers can now add several columns to their reporting from the new Bid simulator section offered in the Customize Columns menu. A range of bid...
Facebook on Monday introduced a new design for Facebook pages, making things such as key performance indicators more easily visible for managers, and location info easier to find for fans. However, this move also signals that Facebook is moving away from tabs — which...