3 Twitter Tools that every Twitterati must know

3 Twitter Tools that every Twitterati must know

Take  a look at 3 Twitter tools that are used my most of the Twitterers: Bit.ly Bit.ly is not just a URL Shortening service site but it also gives you access to create your custom short URL. Besides, you can share, track or analyze your links. SocialOomph SocialOomph...
Importance of Linkedin Profile

Importance of Linkedin Profile

LinkedIn has evolved to become one the most important and most prevalent resources for professional networking available.  It gives you the opportunity to connect with a company or a person within that company directly. For people looking for a job, LinkedIn can be...
100+ Digital Marketing Acronyms/ Abbrevations

100+ Digital Marketing Acronyms/ Abbrevations

AIDA – Attention, Interest, Desire, Action AJAX – Asynchronous Javascript and XML API – Application program interface AOV – Average order value AR – Augmented reality ASP – Application service provider ATD – Agency trading...