Different Types of Biddings techniques in Google Ads

Different Types of Biddings techniques in Google Ads

There are Different types of bidding models in google : CPC: Cost per click  this bid type will work only if the customer clicks on your ad , for example you are ready to invest Rs.60/- per click and you had won the bid then Google would Charge Rs.60/- Per click This...

What is Digital Marketing?

In layman terms, Digital Marketing is promoting your brand (product or services) via medium of digital technologies. Digital Marketing or internet marketing helps you to reach out to audiences that are available on internet  using laptops, desktops, tablets,...

Internship Programme

Below are the companies who are looking for Digital Marketing Interns. SL.NO. Company Name Contact Person Contact Number Paid/Free Full time/Part time Certificate Provision Minimum Duration   1 Disha Law Firm Rakesh 8977087087 2000/- p.m Full Time Yes 1 month 2 ibm it...

5 Ways to attract Your Customers This Holiday Season

Every year, brands worldwide search for ways that to build up their marketing efforts in preparation for the largest searching season of the year. With all the hustle and bustle the vacations bring, brands use their best advertising techniques to grab the...