AdWords Brings Bid Simulator Into Reporting Columns

Mar 28, 2014 | Digital Marketing, SEM | 0 comments

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With a handy new set of columns, Google is bringing the AdWords bid simulator into fuller view.

From the keyword tab, advertisers can now add several columns to their reporting from the new Bid simulator section offered in the Customize Columns menu. A range of  bid simulator estimates can then be viewed across multiple keywords, replacing the need to need to click the bid simulator icon on each individual keyword.

Here are the new column options (You can ignore the Base max. CPC listed at the top of the menu because it’s a duplication of the Max CPC column already in the reports):

  • 50 percent lower than your base bid
  • 50 percent higher than your base bid
  • 300 percent higher than your base bid
  • At your top of page bid estimate

The column functionality also means these metrics can be downloaded and exported — even across MCC-managed accounts. The standard sorting and filter options apply to these columns, and automated rules can be set based on the Bid Simulator estimates.

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