15 Astonishing Facts About Data Science Analytics That Everyone Should Know

Table of Contents Increase in technology advancement and computing has also generated more data than ever before and we are learning how to utilize that data for good. If you are an IT guy or a Data Analyst you will be asked for the data insights so that based on your data decisions will be taken accordingly either it can be good or bad. If the data gives you valuable inputs then chances are to invest more money based on the performances. As a company you want to look at the data because it gives us the wider angle of every aspect in terms of company growth. We have covered some interesting facts about data using different sources. Less than 0.5% of all data we create is ever analysed and used. A 10% increase in data accessibility will result in more than $65 million additional net income for the typical Fortune 1000 company. The US leads the data science market, requiring 190,000 data scientists by next year. Google uses about 1,000 computers to answer every single search query. By 2020, there will be more than 50 billion smart connected devices in the world, collecting, analysing and sharing data. By 2025, … Continue reading 15 Astonishing Facts About Data Science Analytics That Everyone Should Know