Sep 4, 2018 | Digital Marketing, General | 0 comments

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We’ve all heard the saying, “behind every successful man there is a woman”, but have you ever thought as who is behind that successful woman? The answer would be “she herself”.

Women today are on par with men in all the aspects of the universe. However, there are a few aspects which hold them back from building up an effective career.

Though there are miscellaneous career options, digital marketing stand first and could be the stepping stone towards success.

It is one such profession that does not bind you to the office premises. A study also depicts that women have stronger digital marketing skills as compared to men but are often demotivated.

Are you thinking that you’ve spent your entire life being a homemaker and you cannot start a career now?

Well, you are absolutely wrong! Digital marketing does not require you to have a degree. Anyone can learn and excel in it. From an entrepreneur who wants to market her business to a job seeker, from a high school graduate who wants to sell her DIY(do it yourself) art pieces to a housewife who is willing to have her own cookery channel on youtube, Digital marketing can be of great use to everyone.

Fascinated to know that you’ve got a long way to do. Aren’t you?

So let’s go ahead and find out the top 10 reasons why every woman should learn digital marketing.

  1. An In-Demand Profession

For women, it’s always all about fashion. Surprisingly, it’s the same for digital marketing. It has become a fashion and a trend in the marketing industry over a few years. Do you anymore read a magazine to know about the best makeup product ladies? 90% of the answers will be “ We search for them on google. Who reads magazines these days?” and that is how digital marketing is growing.

Demand for digital marketing is increasing at 40% while other major industries are at 10%-20% and with the advancement of technology and availability of internet almost everywhere around us,  this demand is here to stay for the coming years.

  1. No degree needed/need not be a graduate

Be it a bank or any corporate institution, the first thing that you would be asked for is a graduation certificate. Coming to women in India, there are many who did not have access to proper education or could not afford to spend a bag full on it.

Digital marketing is different from all the streams that lay importance on a degree. It works on the basis of skills and knowledge. With this flexibility, every woman can have access to digital marketing and start their career all over again.

  1. Emphasizes creativity

Creativity is the main attribute that makes one stand out in digital marketing. A study found out that women have stronger digital marketing skills as compared to men but they are often not coming forward. Women can now unleash their potential by setting foot into the digital marketing industry that demands creativity.

You’ll be thrilled to know that 75% of marketers on social media websites are highly creative people. So be it an interest in making origami and craft work or being creative with bringing a boring content to life, digital marketing gives a kick start to your creative career.

  1. Diverse career choices

Imagine that you are an MBA – Finance graduate. You are most likely to get a job only in the financial sector and it is possible that your interest might change a few years later. Well, it’s not the same as digital marketing.

You can choose from a wide range of careers such as content writing, E-mail marketing and creating a youtube channel or a WordPress blog and vlogging/blogging just to name a few. Ever dreamt of your favourite family sweet dish recipe going viral on the internet or your homemade chocolates being sold online? All of it is possible with digital marketing.

  1. Versatile workspace

Relax in the solace of your home or spend time lounging in a cafe while you are working, digital marketing provides for a flexible work environment wherein you just need a laptop or a computer and an internet connection.

A shocking report by the Deccan chronicle states that over 20 million women quit their jobs between 2004-05 and 2011-12. Women in India are often loaded with a lot of responsibilities and often quit jobs as they cannot handle the dual pressure. Digital marketing comes in as a solution to this problem as it can be practised globally irrespective of the workplace.

6.Enhancing the skills

We all live in a tech-friendly world and most of us spend hours accessing the social media websites. Women and girls use social media websites for entertainment, learning, DIY’s, latest news and many more things.

In such a scenario, all the existing social media and internet accessing skills can be enhanced and converted into digital marketing techniques. It also has an added advantage of ease of access as it is not something new. It is using the same platforms that we usually get on to in order to build social relationships with a different perspective to market digitally.

  1. Easy to Grasp

The only prerequisite of digital marketing is to know how to adapt to a change because digital marketing techniques keep on updating with time.

So as soon as you think you know all of it, a new trend would have started in the market. However, if you are thinking that it is going to be as tricky as the atomic diagrams of your chemistry textbook then you are wrong.

Digital marketing is as easy as operating a smartphone.

  1. Be that leader of your own business

Many women dream of establishing their own business and being called as entrepreneurs.

Sounds similar? If yes there also arises a question as to how to promote a business and make people aware of our existence?

That’s where digital marketing comes into space and act as a one-stop solution for marketing, promotions, branding and advertising.

See how women can make great entrepreneurs by using digital marketing here.

  1. It wouldn’t cost you lakhs

Any postgraduate degree or an engineering program will cost you a minimum of 15-20 lakhs, so it sure does burn a hole in your pocket.

As per the recent statistics, it is declared that only 7% of the graduates actually find a job. On the other hand, the scenario with digital marketing is different. It can be learned with an investment of just a few thousand.

Women might not always be looking out for jobs after the completion of education. Digital marketing provides a spectrum of opportunities from jobs.

Find out the various careers in digital marketing here.

  1.   Freelancing or part-time career

Women in India are often expected to fulfil a lot of responsibilities. Working women who refuse to give up on their existing job or career can take up digital marketing as a part-time or a freelancing career that does not disturb their job as well as their household responsibilities.

Blogging or vlogging, as discussed earlier prove to be a great source of income. One can earn up to 500-600 USD per month by just spending 1 hour of time every day on the internet.

A famous Indian food writer and chef, Tarla Dalal gained immense popularity on the internet by sharing recipes on her own website.

It’s never late to start something new!!

Make those dreams come true with much affordable cost, learn digital marketing and switch or restart your career today!

Visit our website www.digitalnest.in for more details or Call us at 8088998664

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